📋Highlight State

Highlight states are pretty similar to blockstates and are formatted in a similar manner for the json.

For highlight states we have a single object of variants which has key pair values with the key being the state of the block just like how you would format a blockstate and then the value either being a reference string to the highlight or an object formatted like such.

Note: Highlight states MUST be located in the same namespace as the namespace of the block it is being created for.

So for example for minecraft:lectern it must be located in assets/minecraft/resourcefullib/highlights/lectern.json It can reference other namespace objects but must be in the same namespace as the namespace of the id.

This example uses the corner_line highlight we created in the highlight section and creates 4 variants 2 where its a direct reference and 2 where it is a sub reference where on west and east it rotates the highlight by 90°.

    "variants": {
        "facing=south": "minecraft:corner_line",
        "facing=north": "minecraft:corner_line",
        "facing=west": {
            "highlight": "minecraft:corner_line",
            "rotation": { "y": 90 }
        "facing=east": {
            "highlight": "minecraft:corner_line",
            "rotation": { "y": 90 }

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